Grendel’s Den: A Landmark

Grendel’s Den has been a long-time Harvard hang out, but did you know that it was also the center of a landmark Supreme Court case? The below video, from Beacon Broadside, explains it all, but in the 1980s, Massachusetts state law dictated that churches within 500 feet of entities applying for liquor licenses could veto the application. Grendel’s application was vetoed by an Armenian church that used to sit in the same spot as Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Grendel’s sued, charging that the law violated the First Amendment. In Larkin v. Grendel’s Den, the Supreme Court sided with Grendel’s in an 8-1 decision. Next time you find yourself at Grendel’s, enjoy the side of history with your burger.

Video: Jay Wexler on the Holy Hullabaloo at Grendel’s Den [Beacon Broadside via Universal Hub]


Grendel’s Den: A Landmark