
CSA Meets NIMBY in Brookline

Though at first glance Brookline might seem an ideal neighborhood for a CSA (residents interested in health and locavorism, lots of families), appearances can be deceiving. The Brookline TAB reports that the Stillman Farms CSA has been forced to move from its drop-off location at Thorndike and Lawton Streets to an alley outside Clear Flour Bakery because of complaints from neighborhood residents.

The residents claim that the CSA customers block the sidewalks and slow down traffic, and that the deliveries are dangerous to children. Stillman Farms, meanwhile, isn’t crazy about its shareholders having to go to an alley to pick up farm shipments like they’re drugs. It seems unlikely that there will be a resolution before this CSA season is over, but in the meantime, 100 residents have signed a petition to keep the Stillman Farms CSA on Lawton Street, as compared to the eighteen who’ve signed one to keep it away.

North Brookline Neighbors Divided Over Weekly Farm Deliveries [Brookline TAB]

CSA Meets NIMBY in Brookline